OPPORTUNITIES IN SUPPORT OF ST. JOHN’S COLLEGE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION Many opportunities are available to share God’s grace and blessings and to support your Alumni Association. First and foremost, we ask for your prayers as we endeavor to carry out our Lord’s Great Commission by giving financial aid to those students attending Synodical schools. Secondly, we ask for your financial support. The Association can continue to exist only with the generous donations of alumni and friends of St. John’s College. “Hail, St. John’s College, Hail!”
In addition to prayer, there are five (5) ways one can support the St. John’s College Alumni Association. There is a Scholarship Endowment, an Operational Endowment, Life and Annual Memberships in the Association, and an Annual Fund. In addition, donors can direct funds to the Association through Thrivent Choice Dollars. The following is a detailed explanation of each of these options: Scholarship Endowment: Funds contributed to this endowment are invested by our investment counselors at Community National Bank & Trust of Winfield, KS. These investments provide earnings, and these earnings are awarded as financial aid to students who can trace their direct lineage to an individual who has attended St. John’s Academy or College, or someone who was a part of the faculty or staff of St. John’s. Since 1965, the Association has made awards totaling $1,715,536, which includes the academic year 2024-2025. Depending on the number of students who apply and the earnings of the Scholarship Endowment, the average amount of financial aid provided to each student will vary. As of June 30, 2024, the market value of this endowment is $2,853,589.. Operational Endowment: Funds contributed to this endowment are also invested by our investment counselors at Community National Bank & Trust of Winfield, KS. These investments provide earnings, and these earnings are used to fund the day-to-day operations of the Association. That is, these funds help pay for the utilities, the insurance premiums, the printing of the The Reporter, staff salaries, and other day-to-day operational expenses. The market value of this endowment, as of June 30, 2024, is $1,092,068. Life Memberships and Annual Memberships in the Association: These are funds contributed by alumni and friends who believe in the work of the Association. A Life Membership is a one-time contribution to the Association in the amount of $100. These funds are added to the Operational Endowment, and the earnings support the daily operations of the Association. Being a Life Member allows one to vote in the election for members of the Board of Directors, who establish policy for the Association. Currently, there are 542 active Life Members. Some choose to be an Annual Member of the Association, and they also get to vote in the elections for the Board of Directors. The fee for being an Annual Member is $25 per year. These funds go directly into the operational income of the Association.
Thrivent Choice Dollars: Thrivent Financial has a grant program called Thrivent Choice Dollars. Through this program, eligible members can designate Choice Dollars based on their insurance premiums, contract values, and Thrivent Financial volunteer leadership. If you are eligible, you can call 1-800-847-4836, and when prompted, say “Thrivent Choice” and a representative will help you direct your Choice Dollars. Or you can log on to www.thrivent.com/thriventchoice. After logging on, just search for “St Johns College Alumni Association” in the city of “Winfield” and then follow directions. These dollars go to help with the day-to-day expenses of the Association. Annual Fund: The final component of funding for the Alumni Association is the Annual Fund. The Board of Directors established this Annual Fund during the 2007-2008 fiscal year. Prior to this time, the earnings of the Operational Endowment were sufficient to sustain the day-to-day operations of the Association. The Annual Fund solicits funds which fund the daily operations of the Association. Each year, the Board of Directors approves an annual budget. Estimates of expenditures are established, and the estimated income from the Operational Endowment and other sources is established. The difference between the budgeted expenditures and estimated income is the goal which is needed to be raised in order not to tap into the principal of the Operational Endowment. This goal is achieved through four mailings per year (one each quarter). The Board of Directors, at its November meetings, sets the goal for the Annual Fund. Gifts may be given to the Association by using this gift form that may be printed and mailed to us.