St. John's College
Alumni Association
PO Box 376
1502 E. 6th Ave
Winfield, KS 67156
Phone: 620-221-1572
Office Hours:
Tuesday - Thursday
8:00am - 3:00pm
St. John's College Alumni Association
Office Staff:
Larry Junker, Executive Director
Wallace Behrhorst, Reporter Editor
Beth Smith, Administrative Assistant
Greetings Johnnies! Well, the 2024 Winfield Johnnie Reunion was a huge success. Those in attendance had a great time reminiscing about the “good old days” while they were students at St. John’s. Just over 110 attended the banquet on Saturday evening. A special thank you to the Reunion Committee, to all who attended, and especially those who participated, namely, Rev. Cliff Winter, M’59; Rev. Rex Rinne, M’69; Rev. Mark Peters, M’74; Rev. Timothy Wangerin, M’84; Barbara (Lorenz) Geuy, P’66; Katherine (Amolsch) Seeliger, B’79; and Kirk Stocker, X’86. Since many of the honored class members were not able to attend this year, I am looking into working with Legleiter Video of Arkansas City to create a slide/video presentation of this year’s reunion. It is available on the “Reunion” tab at the top of the page.
Election to the Board of Directors of the Association will take place in September. If you would like to be a candidate for this all important Board, please send the Association an email indicating your intent. Currently, the Board is composed of nine members, three of which are elected each year. The term of office for each member is three years. Our email address is We look forward to receiving your information.
Now some financial news. The Scholarship Endowment continues to grow. The Alumni Association has been the recipient of funds from several estates this past year that has helped increase the endowment. Earnings from this endowment are used for financial aid for students who can trace their direct lineage back to someone who attended the Academy or the College. As of June 30, 2024, the market value of this endowment is $2,853,589, up from $827,973 eighteen years ago when I began as your Executive Director. Speaking of financial aid, this fall 35 students who will be attending Seminaries and Universities of the LCMS will be receiving $2,150 in aid from SJCAA to help towards their educational goals. Since 1965, awards to students have totaled $1,715,536.
The Operational Endowment grew in much the same manner. As of June 30, 2024, the market value of this endowment stands at $1,092,068, compared to $629,259 in 2006. The earnings of this endowment help defray the day-to-day operational expenses of the Association.
Finally, the Annual Fund of the Association has reached $37,190 as of July 19, 2024, towards a goal of $43,950, or 84.6 percent of our goal. It is only through YOUR support as alumni and friends of St. John’s that has allowed the work of the Association to continue. This support is through YOUR prayers - which by the way, is the most important way to support your Alumni Association - and also through YOUR financial support. Our Fiscal Year started November 1, 2023, and it ends October 31, 2024. Won’t you help us reach our ANNUAL FUND goal of $43,950. The St. John’s College Alumni Association, with YOUR help, will continue to keep the Johnnie Spirit alive and well as it has since 1909.
In July of 2006 I became your Executive Director, and hopefully would like to retire in July of 2025. For the past 18 years of support, I want to say thank you. THANK YOU to you the alumni and friends of St. John’s College Alumni Association. THANK YOU for your prayers and financial support! Every gift, no matter what its size, will help continue the mission into the future, as well as “Keeping the Johnnie Spirit Alive and Well!”
So, yes, you read it right. I am hopefully planning to retire next July 2025. So next year’s Johnnie Reunion would be my last as your Executive Director. By the way, next year’s reunion will be held May 30 – June 1, 2025, and the honored classes will be the Classes of ’50, ’55, ’60, ’65, ’70, ’80, ’85, and the 50th Anniversary Class of 1975. We look forward to seeing many of you in Winfield next year.
Blessings always
Larry R. Junker